YAN Daycare would like to share our appreciation for the YAPD
Not only do they put themselves in harm’s way to keep families of the YAN safe but they also give of themselves in ways that many times go unnoticed. Today our Child Care Center had two visitors, Officer Tewawina and a new officer to the department Officer Hatfield. They visited our center to talked to our children about not bullying, being respectful at home and school and being kind to others. We wanted to express our gratitude to these officers for coming in and sharing some time out of their stressful work schedule to sit and converse with our kids. It was good to see our children interact with these two as they need to see the positive side of police officers. Afterwards our children were treated to a stuff animal that the officers give out to the kids. Thank you for your visit today and the many times you have dropped by our center to read to them. The staff appreciate you, YAPD.